
Prettying up my ion3 desktop

Every once in a while, I get a wild hair to change up my desktop. Every time I've played with an xterm replacement that supports transparency, I generally get annoyed within hours, being too lazy to actually spend any time tweaking it. For whatever reason, today I bit the bullet, and took a couple of minutes set up aterm to be useable. There was actually no excuse for my earlier laziness - all my 'problems' were settled with just a few entries to ~/.Xdefaults:

! For aterms:
Aterm*loginShell: true
Aterm*saveLines: 2000
Aterm*foreground: DeepSkyBlue
Aterm*transparent: true
Aterm*font: fixed
Aterm*scrollBar: false
Aterm*backspacekey: ^H
Aterm*borderless: true
Aterm*internalBorder: 0
Aterm*termName: xterm
Aterm*fading: 80
Aterm*shading: 50
These take care of the annoyances (such as the character mapping for my backspace key changing within a vi session).
Then, enabling transparency in empty frames for ion3 brings back the old school behavior (well ion2 old school =]):

In your styles look_.lua:

de.defstyle("frame", {
background_colour = "#000000",
--transparent_background = false,
transparent_background = true,

Then, what the heck, I dl'd some darker gtk-2 themes, so that pidgin, gqview, firefox, etc would be happy.

That brought me to this place, and nothing annoys me yet. No guarantees about next week. =]

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